As I lay in the quiet moment, relaxing, awaiting the unknown, I was sort of anxious and excited for the next hour of what would unveil my first Sound Bath session. The whole experience to me was a crescendo of waves of energy that completely immersed my soul. I was flying through a storm of sound rings.

I've remembered as far back as being a kid feeling afraid of impending storms, when the sky would darken to gray and green and purple and thunder would clasp all over. There was a mixed feeling of fear and excitement. The unknown was coming, but I felt safe in the fact that I had a house and parents to shelter and protect me.

I felt this same feeling at the beginning of the Sound Bath, like a storm was coming, one that would soon invade my inner consciousness. It started slow and melodic, rising ultimately to a thrashing, whirling array of sound rings suspending me in its midst, allowing me to feel its sheer power, yet allowing me to know at the same time its benevolent purpose. This was a spiritual experience for me to say the least, my consciousness was mixed around in the storm and pieced back together in a construction of a new consciousness and awakening from that point forward. The peak of the storm was like I was balanced in the middle of the cyclone and saw everything from my entire life fly around me at once.

The storm began to settle down after a while of work that was happening to my inner being and consciousness. After it wound down to like the beginning was, I felt an extreme, sedentary relaxed state and began to awaken my soul to the outer conscience and being. I felt like something had happened to me while I was sleeping, but I do not feel like I was sleeping during the experience. It was neither sleep nor awakening, yet it was like I was in a different world.

The Bowls awakened me to this world and put me through this experience that was unlike any other in my life. It was spiritual, powerful, humbling, relaxing, beautiful, majestic and awakening.

Divine Sleuth M. Ray. J.
Live Sound Bath Logged Testimony
Sound Internal Investigation 1221